Strategic Planning and Policy - Consultant at International Rescue Committee


Launched in 2023, the Movement Against Malnutrition is a new venture, founded by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), with a single goal: to ensure that no child dies of hunger, especially when we have scalable and proven solutions.

Our solution is to simplify treatment to reach every child. That means a simpler, scalable treatment approach that treats all forms of acute malnutrition with a single food product at a single point of care, using simplified diagnosis and dosing. We aim to broaden this global movement to more partners, to unify all of the IRC’s groundbreaking innovation, research, program delivery, and advocacy under this new umbrella venture, and intensify funding and focus to end this unconscionable global tragedy once and for all.

Our unique structure is our strength. We are embedded within one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations but operate like a nimble start-up to spur a global movement with partners across government, the nonprofit sector, academia, and the corporate world.

As part of this movement, we are seeking a short-term consultant to help us build out a plan to radically scale up acute malnutrition treatment in 1-2 distinct contexts, as both a proof of concept and a blueprint for the transformational change we envision.

Consultancy Objectives

The aim of this consultancy is to develop a country-level strategy for the Movement in Nigeria and CAR to transform treatment coverage in target regions in coalition with governmental, civil society, private sector, academic partners, and others.

Key Objectives:

  1. To design a scaling approach for Nigeria and CAR that maximizes simplicity, accountability, local leadership, and transparency.
  2. To strengthen/build new partnerships to participate in the coalition.
  3. To develop a viable implementation plan to deliver on the strategy when funding is secured.


  • Engage IRC internal stakeholders and external stakeholders to create a plan for a radical scaling and simplification effort.
  • Identify key elements of the plan, including:
    • Local leaders and key partners (governmental and non-governmental).
    • Planning and budgeting processes to align stakeholders.
    • Geographic scope based on different budget levels.
  • Support local leaders in facilitating a participatory design workshop.
  • Develop and write a compelling data-driven proposal and plan for scaling up malnutrition treatment coverage.
  • Make recommendations on IRC’s internal structures needed for transparency, efficiency, and collaboration.


The consultant will be responsible for delivering a complete draft program plan, including:

  • Stakeholder analysis and identification, including agreements with key stakeholders.
  • A description of the agreed approach, emphasizing simplicity, accountability, transparency, and local leadership.
  • Preliminary workstreams and indicative activities aligned against SWOT results.
  • Preliminary internal organizational structure and staffing.
  • Preliminary budgeting and financial flows.
  • Preliminary project timeline including inception phase, launch, and programming at scale.

Selection Process

Short-listed candidates will be asked to:

  • Submit a past writing example (at least 20 pages).
  • Complete a timed assignment.
  • Participate in a panel interview.


The ideal candidate will have:

  • At least 15 years of experience with increasingly complex roles in public sector leadership, strategy, and delivery.
  • Experience developing strategic plans for complex public sector programs.
  • Experience interacting with government, civil society, and the private sector.
  • Demonstrated ability to bring diverse stakeholders together to achieve outcomes.
  • Deep knowledge of the country contexts.
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills.
  • Fluency in French (for work in CAR).
  • Knowledge of public health issues, actors, and concepts.
  • Specific knowledge of nutrition is a plus.

Method of application: Click on this link to apply